There are no screening options to detect 4 out of the 5 gynaecological cancers so It’s imperative you know the signs.
Know the signs and symptoms
Gynaecological cancer doesn’t discriminate

400 New Zealanders die from a gynaecological cancer every year.

1000 New Zealanders are diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer every year

Early detection and diagnosis is vital when it comes to survival.

There are no screening options for detecting 4 out of 5 gynaecological cancers
Help us spread awareness of the signs and symptoms so we can save lives
Our Story
Diagnosed in 2016 with ovarian cancer, our founder Tash Crosby is one of only 15% of women caught at stage one; 85% of women diagnosed are caught in the later stages of the disease when treatment options are limited, and rates of survival extremely poor.